The two resources which I have chosen I feel reflect some of the contrasting models of disability which we have looked at in Units 1-4 of the course materials (E214, The Open University, 2010). The first resource comes from the National Autistic Society’s website and the second comes from the national newspaper The Guardian.
The first resource (Appendix A) is an information page entitled ‘What is Asperger Syndrome’ and particularly focusses on the medical/deficit model of disability, a model which involves identifying symptoms, diagnosing a disease or a deficit and prescribing appropriate treatment (E214, Unit 2, p. 47). This resource is aimed at people who have been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, for parents whose children have recently been told their child has Asperger Syndrome or for people who want information on what the condition is. It goes through the three main difficulties that people with Asperger’s have, the characteristics of the syndrome, the causes and cures and finally the diagnosis process.
The language used in the document is representative of some of the characteristics that are used when talking about the medical/deficit model of disability such as diagnosis, labelling and assessment (E214, Unit 2, p. 47) and this model has become a popular way of talking about children in special education. In 1978 the Warnock Report (DES, 1978) created the terms ‘special educational needs’ and ‘learning difficulties’ (E214, Unit 2, p. 84), two phrases which are still in use today and one of which is illustrated in Appendix A when discussing possible accompanying learning difficulties associated with Asperger Syndrome such as Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. However it could be argued that today, although the Warnock Report wanted to remove the stigma of being labelled (E214, Unit 2, p. 84) and to abolish terms such as feeble minded and imbeciles, people are now being stigmatised by the terms ‘special educational needs’ and ‘learning