Student: Isaac Coriat
Date: September 29, 2013
Comparative Essay: Contemporary Hipsters and Classic Hippies
Throughout the years people always had the need to express their individuality, and the way its been done has constantly varied in multiple dimensions. Of course time has played a key role but it’s not been the only determinant. It seems for societal changes to occur on a prolific wave-like manner, infecting people, giving them a sense of identification with the current wave of expression. Although somewhat consistent, the unstructured nature of the act allows for individual creativity to take place and perhaps be distinguished enough to influence other people in the same circle; characters who have accomplished this throughout different waves have earned the prestigious title of trendsetters. This esteemed title however has been recently craved by so many, it has incubated the newest and most recent trend in subcultures across the globe: Hipsters. What’s curious about it, however, is that unlike massive and contagious movements in history (as with hippies), Hipsters are characterized by their unrevealed sense of identity to the subculture that surrounds him/her. Hippies on the other hand, although with similar characteristics, physical traits and beliefs, stand parallel to Hipsters in the proudly manner they self-proclaimed themselves Hippies. With this interesting note, we begin our attempt to balance these two sub-cultures with an aim to explore the births of one another, what each one stands/stood for, their do’s and don'ts, and most importantly, what sort of benefits to society have brought the kind of personalities these subcultures have given birth to.
The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that begun in San Francisco, United States in the 1960’s, the word “Hippie” derives from Hipster and was originally used to describe Beatniks; not the people you can spot walking around town with a zebra hat
Bibliography: 1 – History of LSD ( 2- What Was the Hipster? By Mark Greif 3- Top 10 Hipster Cities In America 4-“The Role Of The Hippie In American Culture” 5- 10 Great Cultural Contributions by “Hipsters” 6- “Death of the Hipster” 7- “Hipsters are Dead Douchebags”