a fast rate, some people continue to favor more outdated, and sometimes ancient methods to treat diseases such as cancer. Some of the most common disciplines include “herbs/botanicals, vitamins and minerals, homeopathy and naturopathy, special diets, prayer, meditation, acupuncture, chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation.” Although modern cancer treatments are not yet as optimal as some would hope, they are continually improving and far surpass the success rate of alternative medicine. Consequently, patients who only use alternative medicine for cancer treatment are up to 5.7 times more likely to end fatally when compared to chemotherapy-treated patients. While solely relying on alternative therapies for cancer treatment increases the likelihood of the cancer spreading, nevertheless some alternative treatments can be beneficial to use an accompaniment to traditional cancer treatment in order to neutralize some of the side effects caused by chemotherapy or radiation.
A clear example of the distinct effects that could result from solely choosing alternative medicine over modern medicine are very clearly demonstrated in a case that was seen by Dr.
Suneel D. Kamath. A patient whom he refers to as “Ruth” was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 30. According to Doctor Kamath, initially Ruth had a “75 percent chance of staying free of breast cancer for the rest of her life.” Although the treatment would be very invasive, would have many side effects, and would be very harsh on her body, it would be the most effective in getting rid of the cancer if she began treatment at that moment. Unfortunately, Ruth decided to find a different method of treatment with a doctor in Mexico. The treatment consisted of less aggressive, natural intravenous medication. She was medicated with vitamins and certain plant extracts that claimed to have properties that would eliminate the cancer. She continued this process for a few months until she believed the treatment had been a success and then returned to the United States to resume her life. Approximately a year later, she was once again hospitalized for some health complications and after an MRI was done, it was found that the cancer had spread all throughout her spinal cord and into her brain. Shortly after this is when Doctor Kamath was first introduced to Ruth. By this time the effects of the brain cancer were beginning to show, she had trouble recollecting memories, communicating, and even ingesting food. While Ruth finally decided to pursue treatment with chemotherapy, her chances of survival had diminished. As a result, a few days later Ruth died at the age of