Question 1
Describe the differences between divergent evolution, convergent evolution and parallel evolution and provide an example for each type of evolution.
Divergent evolution occurs when change from a common ancestral species increases as time passes, leading to a speciation event; that is, the evolution of two new species. Convergent evolution on the other hand differs from divergent evolution because it is the development of similar features separately in unrelated groups of organisms though natural selection. Finally Parallel evolution is a look at species that are more closely related then those of divergent evolution. It is the independent evolution of structures with similar form and function in two closely related organisms. …show more content…
Question 2
Homologus features, comparative embryology and vestigial structures are used to support the theory of divergent evolution. Explain what these three biological concepts mean and how they provide evidence of divergent evolution. Examples may be used to explain your response.
Homologus features are characters in different organisms that are similar because they were inherited from a common ancestor that also had that characteristic.
An example of homologous characters is the four limbs of tetrapods. Birds, bats, mice, and crocodiles all have four limbs. Sharks and bony fish do not. The ancestor of tetrapods evolved four limbs, and its descendants have inherited that feature. Comparative embryology is the theory that all vertebrate embryos follow a common developmental path due to their common ancestry. All have a set of very similar genes that define their basic body plan. As they grow, the differences that will distinguish the embryos as adults become more and more apparent. The study of this development can yield insights into the process of evolution. While these features have a function vestigial structures do not have a purpose organisms have structures or organs that seem to serve no useful function. For example, humans have a tailbone at the end of the spine that is of no apparent use. Some cave-dwelling salamanders have eyes even though members of the species are completely blind. Vestigial organs are often useful in other species. Vestigial structures can be viewed as evidence for evolution because organisms having vestigial structures probably share a common ancestry with organisms in with organisms in which the homologous structure is
Question 3
Evolution is the result of genetic variation, natural selection and organisms adapting to their environment. Apply and link your understanding of these three biological concepts to explain how organisms can change over time to form new species.
Genetic variation, natural selection and adaption work together, to change organisms and form new species. Genetic variation has three primary sources; mutations are changes in the DNA. A single mutation can have a large effect, both negative and positive. Many times evolutionary change can be linked to multiple mutations. Gene flow on the other hand is the movement of genes from one population to another the best of both gene groups form a superior gene pool. Finally sex can introduce new gene combinations into a population. This genetic shuffling is another important source of genetic variation. With all changes aren’t just made from gene populations combining and evolving, adaptation are feature that are common in a population, developed over time, because it provides some improved function. Adaptations are well fitted to their function and are produced by natural selection. Natural selection picks the best adaptations and the best genetics to form a new species. Natural selection lets the week or unsuitable die of allowing the enhanced to thrive.