When you are ready to begin executing the project, you have to first set the finalized schedule as the baseline for the project. Once the execution has begun, you will measure the actual progress and compare with the baseline you set for the project.
In this homework assignment, you will learn how to set the baseline, update the task information, and monitor the status of the project. The status information thus becomes the basis of controlling the progress of the project to keep it on track with respect to time and cost dimensions.
The instructions given below should be used in conjunction with the information contained in Part 5 of the Conveyor Belt project given in the textbook as well as the document written by me containing instructions for using Microsoft Project for monitoring the status of the project.
1. This homework relates to Part 5 of the Conveyor Belt project. 2. Do this homework for only the first quarter April 1, 2010. 3. Word-process your homework assignment in this document. 4. Attach all the relevant printouts as Appendices.
Microsoft Project Work 1. Open the Conveyor Belt Project file for Part 4 posted on the Blackboard. 2. Follow the instructions given in Set Baseline for the Project to set the base line for the project. 3. Save the file as CB Project YourFirstName Baseline. 4. Select View/Tables/Entry. Move the divider all the way to the right so Gantt chart is not visible. Take a printout of the Entry Table. This is your Appendix A. 5. Follow the instructions given in Set status date for the project to set April 1, 2010 as the status as well as the current date for the project