NAME: Amielyn Cassandra U. Estolano
ID#: 11260327
a. Individual Work.
b. Choose one company from The Verge’s Small Empires (
c. Research, gather more information, and “experience” further the product/company you’ve chosen.
d. Answer the matrix below by evaluating the product’s highlights and lowlights based on the 5As framework.
e. Explanations for each blank should have minimum 75 words.
Product Name: Kitchen Surfing
Product / Experience Description: Kitchen Surfing is not only website interaction also physical where you can enjoy the company of the Chefs in your own house.
Explain why the highlights demonstrate, manifest, display using the 5A’s below.
(What are the great things about the product/experience?)
Explain how the lowlights can be improved, reinvented, transformed using the 5A’s below.
(What are the not-so-great things about the product/experience that can be improved?)
(How does it look)
I choose Kitchen Surfing because of the title itself, related to food and because I love cooking. By the title you can get the idea what it talks about. As I check their website, Kitchen Surfing is eye catching and pleasant to the eyes because they use warm colors in their website they only stick in one to three colors. Once you login you can like all food recipes you want like Instagram. And by the looks of the pictures of the foods it looks very delicious and professional.
In some of the tabs there are redundancy of their social networking where we can get updates from them. It is putted in the center and below. Better to put it above where all the tabs are or below. Combine their login and sign up because it has the same purpose. One of the tabs is