Respond to the questions in point form.
Please type your answers beside each question or below each question. Neatly organize your answers. You may choose to use a different colour or font but be consistent. It should be easy for the reader to find your answers and to know which question you’re answering.
coolmath lemonade game What factors do you control? In the cool math for kids version, you control your inventory (lemons, ice cubes, sugar and cups.) and the price of the finished product ( the lemonade).
What factors do you not have control over? You don't control the weather and the cost per pitcher.
As you played the game over and over again did your results improve or not? In what way(s) and why? Explain. The amount of capital I generated from the lemonade stand increased as I played the game over and over. This is likely because as I played, I began to understand what the customer wanted based on the weather, they were willing to pay more in hot weather for lemonade rather than in cold weather. Also, in the hot weather I had more potential customers, so it was important to have enough supplies to meet the demand. …show more content…
The help section gives many suggestions on how to play the game well, these include;
To change the recipe- The game suggest you start with the default, but eventually to change to try and fit customer's