According to the fundamental of nursing (1992), Loss is defined as “The experiencing of parting with an object, person, belief, function or relationship that is valued”. When faced with a loss, crisis or life-changing event you are suddenly thrust into an unfamiliar world, one that can be frightening and unsettling. Loss can be categorized as subjective or objective material or psychological, expected or unexpected, actual or perceive. In this study the loss and life changing experience by Mrs Mendis and possible coping strategies will be highlighted.
Mrs Mendis a 79 year old client experienced material and objective loss when she was no longer able to mobility, and dependent entirely on a wheel chair to move around. In addition, material loss was also experience when she was relocated to a continuing care facility and also her loss of speech. On the other hand she experienced subjective and psychological loss at the death of her husband and the loss of social relationship with her church family and family member; all these losses were unexpected and contributed to several changes in her life. These changes include a new environment with new people and new method of surviving, example use of wheel chair and having others perform activities of daily living.
The Newman’s System model supports a holistic approach and would be of help in addressing Mrs Mendes Psychological and physical needs. The Newman Model System will be integrated into a plan of care for Mrs Mendes.
In advocating for Mrs Mendes, the researcher would recommend that she returned to her home and a familiar care giver will be provided. The reason for this is that being in a familiar environment with familiar faces will lessen the degree of depression or anxiety that Mrs. Mendes will face. In addition the researcher would identify activities she once performed on a regular basis (gardening and going to church) and creates these circumstances regularly.