Discovering why you feel grief is the first step in healing from it. Gaining a deeper understanding of the grieving process will alleviate the guilt that often comes with grief. You’re grieving, yet you feel guilty that you aren’t moving past it fast enough.
Healing from grief is a process, just like healing from a broken bone. It will take time and probably more effort than healing from a physical injury.
Today, we’ll be examining grief with a focus on how to cope and heal from it.
The Many Causes of Grief
Grief can be …show more content…
These stages don’t always occur sequentially, and you might experience some stages over and over again. Intentionally focusing on healing from grief will empower you to reach acceptance.
How to Heal from Grief
The most important factor in healing from grief is not grieving alone. Grieving with others will enhance your healing process. Involving others will help you feel connected with another human being, something that greatly aids healing from grief. Below are some great sources of support to help you heal:
Family and friends. Lean on people who you know care for you. It’s common for those grieving to pull away from loved ones, but it’s really the time to draw them closer. People usually don’t know how to support people who are grieving, so be direct when you as for support. Perhaps you need help with funeral arrangements or finding a new job. You may even just need a shoulder to cry on. Whatever you need, asking loved ones is a great place to find it.
Support groups. There are support groups for people who are experiencing all types of grief. Being around others who are grieving, sharing stories and holding each other up will do wonders for your healing process. You can contact hospitals and counseling centers to find the right support group for