Since I have access to the school site once a week, and the tutorials are only 30 minutes, it became a challenge to fit in all 5 interviews in the time I had available. Therefore, I changed my interview questions into a self-report survey that students filled out together or when available. If time was available during the tutorial I asked the students informal clarifying questions regarding their answers, however, I did not have the opportunity to do this with all students. In addition, a self-esteem survey that was utilized, but was not the core source of data. One student said she had a commitment to work with her teacher during tutorial but agreed to fill out the survey questions through
Since I have access to the school site once a week, and the tutorials are only 30 minutes, it became a challenge to fit in all 5 interviews in the time I had available. Therefore, I changed my interview questions into a self-report survey that students filled out together or when available. If time was available during the tutorial I asked the students informal clarifying questions regarding their answers, however, I did not have the opportunity to do this with all students. In addition, a self-esteem survey that was utilized, but was not the core source of data. One student said she had a commitment to work with her teacher during tutorial but agreed to fill out the survey questions through