1. War changes a society. Societies make good and bad decisions in a time of war.Political decisions have implications and consequences on future events.
2. The Allied victory in World War II led to the emergence of the U.S. as a super power.
3. The failures of post-World War I policies led to World War II.
4. World War II dealt a catastrophic blow to humanity.
5. Cultural, economic and political factors led to the rise of dictatorships.
6. World War II ended the Great Depression and caused enduring changes for women, African Americans,
& other minorities.
7. Roosevelt defined American struggle during WW II as an attempt to establish world order based on “four freedoms”- freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.
8. World War II caused a dramatic increase in both the size and the reach of our national government.
9. Women and African Americans gained more rights as a result of the demand for wartime labor and production. 10. Fascism was a threat to democratic governments.
11. Technological advances by both the Axis and Allied powers brought devastation and victory to the battlefield. 12. Isolationism in the United States and appeasement by European powers created a power vacuum that totalitarian government in the Soviet Union, Spain, Italy, Japan and Germany filled.
13. NAZI racism actively supported and promoted genocide.
14. Hitler was able to persuade a fractured nation to re-arm militarily through intense nationalism and racial superiority. 15. Both the Axis and Allied powers killed millions of civilians through the use of aerial bombing.
16. All Americans made sacrifices in World War II in the areas of rations, metals, wages, civil rights, and more. 17. Japanese Americans were interned during the war and deprived their civil rights.
18. The use of atomic weapons forced Japan’s unconditional surrender but also ushered in a nuclear age.
WW2 Essential Questions: