Extra Extra Read All About It!
Research Topics:
1. Causes of WWI
2. The Armistice and treaty of Versailles
3. Early Events in the War (1914-1916)
4. The Assassination of Archduke and Sophia
5. General Pershing early in the war
6. American Involvement
Focus Correction Area (FCA) Collins Writing Style
1: Find Accurate Facts
2: Explain Impact of person or event
3: Discuss what the world has learned and how it impacted the world after the war and how it still impacts the world today.
So you want to earn a 4
All articles have headlines that capture the reader\'s attention and accurately describe the content. All graphics have captions that adequately describe the people and action in the graphic.
Remember those who served WWI
All columns are neatly typed in the \"justified\" type style; there is adequate and consistent space between all columns and articles.
Each person in the group has contributed at least one article and one graphic without prompting from teacher or peers.
All students in the group can accurately answer all questions related to: a) Stories in the newspaper
b) Technical processes used to create the newspaper.
No spelling or grammar errors remain after one or more people (in addition to the typist) read and correct the newspaper.
Graphics are in focus, are well-cropped and are clearly related to the articles they accompany.
The articles contain facts, figures, and/or word choices that make the articles exceptionally interesting to readers.
The group worked effectively and independently was constantly on task and motivated to learn from each other, with everyone participating equally.
ALL or Nothing
I want you to master this era, and show what you know like a pro. Remember your work will be sent to a real journalist from another country.
So it’s all or nothing. What will you do? Will you be a team player and not let your teammates down.
An attempt was made to achieve