Questions/Main Ideas:
1. I would characterize the social hierarchy of classical China by their wealth. The wealthiest would have vast amounts of land.
2. The peasants had to sell out to large landlords and they created the Yellow
Turban Rebellion, which later would overthrow the government, the merchant’s power and wealth were limited since they were viewed as a threat, and the emperors and landowners also had conflict. 3. The development of social differences and economic with the interaction of many different people was the set of ideas that underlies India’s castebased society.
4. Varna is started from several different cultures while jati came from a specific occupation. Jati and
Varna came together to create India’s caste system. 5. India’s caste system gave priority to religious status and ritual purity while
China’s class system elevated political
Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________________________
● “Scheduled caste” known as Chambar, formally known as
“untouchables”= lowest category in India’s ranked society
● Mahatma Gandhi sought to raise status of “untouchables” referring to them as Harijan or “children of God”
● Caste, class, patriarchy, slavery are not vanished
● First civilizations were sharply divided along class lines, and they too were patriarchal with women clearly subordinate to men in most domains of life
● Its better if you know connections to get higher
officials to the highest of elite position.
The inequalities of slavery differ from those of a caste because in slavery you can you could be freed, slavery can have laws to change, and they are not paid. In a caste you’re birthed into that caste and cannot be changed in your current life and also you are confined to certain jobs.