Debra D. Hill
Psy 101
Instructor: John Long
March 17, 2014
Is corporal punishment need to discipline children
In this research, I will provide an overview statistics and past perspectives. There are many ways to punish your children and corporal punishment, just happens to be one of them. In today’s society, people are starting to realize the side effects of physical abuse. Supporting evidence corporal punishment defined as the use of physical force causing pain, but not wounds as a means of discipline (Educate, don, 1999). Psychologist Elizabeth Thompson Gersh off, PHD, in the light of her light of her analysis stated that parents should avoid corporal punishment and try other discipline techniques a recommendation some psychologists disagree with, saying there isn’t enough evidence to make such a recommendation. Parents hitting children has always been an issue that has been hard to understand. There are many factors and questions arise with this subject. Mainly researching if the acceptance of hitting or spanking children is very important and widely accepted thru many cultures. My research will focus on the causes and reasons for spanking, hitting can have on children if any.
A. Explains it becomes very difficult to draw the line between the line of abuse or corporal punishment.
Teachers have probably the hardest job in today’s society. I am currently interviewing a Head Start Teacher, “they have to watch what they say, and do.” No schools use corporal punishment because they are scared of a sued by a parent. Ms. Jones stated that some teacher’s use corporal punishment usually uses a smack on the hand or even a spanking on the child bottom top and the parents are okay with that.
B. Supporting evidence Prof. Victoria Talwar of McGill University and Prof. Kang Lee of the University of Toronto performed an experiment with 63 kindergarten’s and first graders at 2
References: Corporal punishment leads to psychological. Cal damage, abuse (Benatar, D 2001) Psychologist Elizabeth Thompson Gersh off, PhD, in the light of her light of her meta-analysis of corporal punishment research published this summer in the psychological Bulletin (Vo1, 128, No.4). By: Chandeep Singh Makhani in Education and child abuse and neglect. Corporal punishment in educational institutions is a problem accosting the society the world…Educate do not punish…UNICEF1999.htp://www…… By: Victoria Talwar of McGill University Prof. Stephanie M. Carlson of the University of Minnesota and Prof. Kang Lee of the University of Toronto…Corporal punishment may have long-term negative effects……July26,2011…