What percentage of the audience actually trust what they see on television? How many times have you felt that a particular topic is being inclined to a certain political belief? Have you ever come across a situation where you felt that what you were seeing was sort of fabricated to the advantage of the interests of that media? Have you ever felt that you seem to be viewing more hours of advertising than actual media content?
These are questions that lingers in the minds of media analysists over and over again.
Objective of Analysis
In this analysis, we intend to treat media as a commodity that is being sold to the audience and the media content as a psychological influence on them. It is intended to throw light upon some of the devastating effects of the “business” of media, due to the influence of the corporate control over it.
In the past few days, a brilliant Bollywood film, based exactly on this plundering of the of media world by the corporate society has released, giving rise to a lot of heated discussion in this context. Rann, an Amitabh Bachchan starrer has explicitly shown how the media content on any form of media, is driven by its necessity to survive in this rat race.
It is a well known fact that media houses have to survive based on its cutting edge advantage over its competitors. It is in this unhealthy spirit that a lot of irrational and unethical practices are adopted by these media houses.
This entire vicious circle can be very easily understood. Today, almost all media are owned by huge corporate giants, who have their own vested interests to reach the public. Though not explicitly obvious to the common audience, they influence the content of what is covered when and how it is discussed.
Look at any opinion driven programme on a channel, and you are sure to notice the light in which the opinion discussion goes on. Analyse the advertisements in the newspaper, and then look at the reporting content. If you