Research Question: How influential is the media today? Given this level of influence, how important do you consider regulation? Choose a specific media in your answer (online media, TV, print, etc.).
With the twenty first century technological boom-giving rise to web 2.0, ordinary citizens can become journalists and publish posts, podcasts blogs or tweets from handheld media devices. The percentage of technological literacy in citizens is on the rise and due to massive globalization and free trade agreements we basically live in world where anything broadcast has the chance to gain huge publicity creating an echo of influence on the mass population.
In this research paper we will explore how the different …show more content…
Now this statement could be talked about from a broader perspective involving the other many paradigms of today’s media influence such as with deception, disinformation, deliberate spin offs and manipulation of the human consciousness, or media’s influence on a cultural or religious group or regarding a specific problem such as violence portrayed by the media, influence of media on body image or promotion of harmful or useless products, but our goal is to understand the media and why its influential and to what scale it can be under regulation from an ethical and lawful standpoint.
Following the major evolution of technology over the last decades now means all citizens can be publishers and are subject to media laws. Given the high reach and virtually unlimited frequency of the Internet, the source of all media sharing and broadcasting, content can streamed and opinions influenced within minutes of publishing material. An example of this can be seen with the United States presidential election, where presidential candidates like Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton have spent millions of dollars on advertisements with the sole purpose of defaming the opposing party leaders and the effects on polls can be seen within …show more content…
We need laws that adapt to ever-changing media environment. The question, how influential is the media today? And to answer it in a broader scope will need to include, the many negative effects of advertising. This is, because nearly all information on the web and other forms of media is a form of adverting. Advertising includes, email advertising, affiliate marketing, product listing, blog or article advertising, placement adverting or video marketing. So YouTube, Instagram, snap chat and even Facebook are all mediums that promote exchange of communication and provide a tremendous influence on everyday perception.
The media, especially mobile media influences our social tastes, our likes and dislikes based on what news and popular opinion is being followed. The way the media influence works is the larger number and more provocative context of news articles the more publicity and coverage it deserves. Each and every celebrity or product that we aspire to be like or want has been due to the positive or negative publicity he/she/it