With the increase in influence of global economies companies have become increasingly knowledge based. As businesses continue to increase their online data storage the ability to keep vast amounts of data online has increased the risk of data leakage and theft. The crime of corporate espionage is a serious threat which has increased along with the integration of technology into business processes. This paper has been written with the objective of providing insight into the crime of corporate espionage including discussion of the problem, offenders and motive, and basic protection measures.
Corporate Espionage As global economies have gained influence “society has evolved from an agrarian to an industrial to an information-based culture” (Knapp & Boulton, 2006, p. 80). Companies have become increasingly knowledge based while businesses continue to increase their ability to store and access important business data through interconnected networks. The ability to keep vast amounts of data online with instant availability has allowed modern businesses to become extremely agile, but has also increased the risk of data leakage to unauthorized entities. The crime of industrial espionage is a threat that has increased as technology has evolved and increased its integration into business processes at all levels. This paper has been written with the objective of providing insight into the crime of corporate espionage including discussion of the problem, offenders and motive, and basic protection measures.
Problem Statement The integration of technology into business transactions has allowed many organizations to provide better service while using fewer resources, but has also allowed unscrupulous individuals and organizations with a potential method of accessing information illegitimately. The cyber-criminal is often perceived to be “a computer hacker, sitting alone in his room, spending hours attempting to identify passwords, breach firewalls, and
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