Being Seminar Paper presented to the Department of Accounting,
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Ph.D in Accounting and Finance
This paper examines whether corporate governance mechanism variable – Board Size, Board Composition, Ownership Concentration, Institutional Shareholders, Dividend Payment, Firm Size have significant impact on the quality of earnings of Nigerian deposit money banks as measured by modified (McNicols and Wilson, 1998), (Gred and Clarke, 2004) and (Chang, 2008) model of specific industry discretionary accruals as against (Dichow and Dichev, 2002), though widely accepted but is hardly industry specific. Secondary data are extracted from the annual reports of 15 banks that form the sample of the study within the period between 2006-2011. Multiple regression was used as a tool for analysis. The result reveals that corporate governance mechanisms affects earnings quality of Nigerian money deposits banks. All the corporate governance examined are positive except for the control variable firm size signifying that none of the explanatory variables is inversely related to quality of earnings amongst Nigerian money deposits banks. It is therefore recommended that amongst others that shareholders of Nigerian DMBs to ensure the inclusion of about 50% outside directors in the board and ensuring a good quantum of both institutional and block holders in the equity holdings of the banks.
Keywords: Earnings, Discretionary, accruals, manipulation, monitoring, quality.
The rising number of corporate failures, scandals and crises such as Enron, WorldCom, Global Crossing, HIH Insurance, Ansett, Pan Pharmaceuticals, Lever Brothers, Cadbury, and Afri bank has precipitated the growing interest on the governance structures of firms by
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