I. True or False. Write “TRUE” if the statement is true and “FALSE” if the statement is false.
¬¬___1. The European Commission defines CSR as a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with stockholders on a voluntary basis.
___2. It is very important to emphasize that the debate between the voluntary compliance and legislation depends on how we understand CSR.
___3.The term co-responsibility involves firstly the existence of common objectives, secondly the assuming of specific responsibility for their attainment and thirdly the effective articulation of the responsibilities taken on by each party.
___4.According to Pecora, four statutes marked the beginning of a new era of history of American finance, the Banking Act of 1933, the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange of 1934, and the Public Utility Holding Act of 1935.
___5.The term “morality” and “ethics” are derived from the Latin mores and the Greek ethos respectively.
II. Fill in the Blank.Write the correct answer on the space provided.
1. The _¬¬_________ particularly addresses environmental/ecological responsibility businessmen.
2. According to _¬¬_________, who offers a very deep understanding responsibility in his masterwork Philosophie in der veranderten welt (Philosophy in the World that Changed) the concept of responsibility includes a polarity.
3. Peter Drucker sees the essence and purpose of the corporation “not in its economic performance or in its formal rules, but in _¬¬_________ both between the members of the corporation and between the corporation and the citizen outside of it.
4. The _¬¬_________ groups the together the countries of Northern Europe and takes into account their approach to CSR public policies.
5. The _¬¬_________ refers to the Mediterranean countries.