Leading text
• Dignam & Lowry, Company Law, 5th edition (2009)* ** • Hicks & Goo’s Cases and Materials on Company Law, 7th edition 2011** • Mayson, French and Ryan on Company Law, 26th edition (2010) • Bourne on Company Law, 5th edition
* Dignam & Lowry, Company Law, 6th edition (2012) may be published August 2012
** These books will be used as the module readers
Additional reading:
The latest editions of:
• Gower and Davies’ Principles of Modern Company Law, Even if you do not purchase a copy of this book it is highly recommended that you read this comprehensive coverage of modern company law.
• Company Law by Hannigan. This is a substantive company law textbook but perhaps takes a more policy-oriented approach to company law and is a lighter read than Gower and Davies.
You might like to have a look at one of the library copies before deciding which one to buy. In addition you should ensure you gain access to British Companies Legislation (formerly known as CCH legislation.)
Some additional company law texts, all in the library, maybe helpful especially for revision and essays:
• Dine, J Company Law Macmillans
• Lowry, J. et al. Company Law, Butterworths,
• Company Law Handbook, CCH latest edition
• Tolleys Company Law Handbook LexisNexis latest edition
• Pettet, Company Law,
For those of you who like to explore a subject avoiding the ‘dry legal rules’, you might want to have a look at one or more of the three books below. Although they adopt different political and philosophical approaches, they are all deal with a theme central to our course, namely, the extent to which corporate activity is and should be concerned with its impact on communities, societies and the workings of the economy as well as with its ability to generate profits. The four books (all in the library) are:
➢ Dine, J. Companies, International Trade and Human Rights Cambridge 2005 ➢ Dean, J.