Campus: Medway Campus
Terms: Autumn and Spring
Level: 2/3
Credit: 30
Assessment: 70% Exam; 30% Coursework
Convenor: Mrs Sue Tarrant
Contact Hours
40 hours of lectures; 20 hours of seminars (approximately)
Method of Assessment
30% coursework (1 timed assignment and 2 written assessments); 70% written examination
The law affects our lives in many ways. In the business world you will find that, amongst other things, it impacts on how businesses are structured, how they operate and how they employ staff. This module aims to give you an insight into how the law and lawyers operate, and how to spot those areas in business where you need to be legally aware.
Lecture topics will include the following: the English Legal System and Legal Process (with particular reference to the relationship between the law and business); Principles of the Law of Contract (including general principles and special rules relating to the sale of goods, provision of consumer credit and consumer protection); Negligence in a business context (in particular, the law in relation to negligent mis-statement); the law relating to Business Organisations (including classification of business organisations, and the main principles applying to partnerships and registered companies). The course concludes with an examination of the main principles of Employment Law (including the formation of the contract of employment, and the main employment rights created by the common law and statute).
Learning Outcomes * to be able to analyse and critically evaluate the relationship between business and the law; * to have acquired problem-solving skills, which will include the ability to solve both legal and practical problems that arise in the course of carrying out business; * to have an understanding of the role of law in facilitating and regulating the formation of business transactions; and * to have an understanding of the English Legal