Unit of Study Outline
Unit code CLAW 1001
Unit title Foundations of Business Law
Semester 1, 2012
Pre-requisite units: There are no pre-requisite units for CLAW1001
Co-requisite units: N/A
Assumed Knowledge and/or skills: There is no assumed knowledge as this is an introductory unit of study. Unit coordinator: Giuseppe Carabetta
Room: Room 521, level 5, E&B Building (H69), across from the Sydney University Sports and Aquatic
Email address: giuseppe.carabetta@sydney.edu.au
Phone: (02) 9036 9189
Consultation Hours: My consultation times will be available online via the CLAW1001 Blackboard site
Class day(s): TBA time(s): TBA and venue(s): TBA
Required Text / Resources: Terry and Giugni, Business and the Law, 5th ed, 2009, Cengage Learning.
This Guide to Unit Learning Content and Assessment MUST be read in conjunction with the Guide to Business
School Student Administration Manual
(sydney.edu.au/business/currentstudents/student_information/student_administration_manual) and University Policies on Academic Honesty, Special Consideration, and all applicable policies that apply to every unit of study offered by the Business School. In determining applications and appeals relating to these matters it will be assumed that every student has taken the time to familiarise themselves with these key policies and procedures.
Version: 2012 Business School
Business School
1. Unit of study information (School handbook description) https://ssa.usyd.edu.au/ssa/handbook/uossearch.jsp?searchtype=S 2. Learning aims
The law is not simply peripheral to business. Business operates in the context of an increasingly complex legal and regulatory system which impacts on all business activity. Contemporary managers need an understanding of the legal foundations of business and of the impact of the law on business operations and business strategies. CLAW1001 has been designed to provide