‘Management Qualification Standards Review’
The information that follows identifies the Units that form the Chartered Management Institute Level 5 qualifications in Management and Leadership. The Units are set out in a format designed to assist in identifying the presence of your current knowledge, understanding and capability at this level. To achieve best value in competing the document you should refer to your Centre Adviser who will guide you. The outcome of this part of your “Skill Scan” should assist you in the preparation of an action plan for your way forward to successful completion of a qualification programme.
This part of your “Skill Scan” should not be used as a stand alone method of identifying your knowledge and understanding of management, as a combination of factors e.g. management/leadership work experience, job specification, operational objectives, possible career moves and personal objectives will all contribute in assisting with your learning and development needs analysis, and in identifying an outline action plan.
How To Use This Document
The actions you are required to complete for each Unit are as follows:
1. Explain WHY each of the assessment criteria is important to good management/leadership practise.
2. If possible briefly give and example of HOW you have performed these activities.
3. If an example is not possible briefly explain WHAT you would do and HOW.
4. Summarise your strengths and weaknesses in the space provided at the end of each unit.
Note: Word process your responses in the right hand column of each Unit which is headed Learner Knowledge, Understanding and Currency.
If you prefer download the document and complete it in longhand. Your assessor will require a copy of your completed work.