
BSBHRM506A MRISP Ass Task 2 V2

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BSBHRM506A MRISP Ass Task 2 V2
Assessment Task 2 – Manage Recruitment Selection and Induction Processes
Save this document to your desktop.
Write the answers in the spaces and templates provided. You will need to plan for well detailed and expansive responses.
Please ensure that you save your document regularly.
Make sure that you save a final copy of your assessment before submitting.
Upload your document in the upload section in week 2.
Please upload this document as a word document and not PDF for marking and feedback purposes.
Submission details
Students name
Marcelle Reeve
Student Number
Is this your first submission?

Is this your resubmission?

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your teacher and will be inserted into your Moodle calendar. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your teacher.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications at end of assessment for more details.
Student Declaration (you must read and acknowledge this declaration by selecting a response below)
DECLARATION: The answers that I have submitted are my own work, completed in person by me. I understand the definition of the terms ‘collusion’ and ‘plagiarism’ and that penalties apply for either as stated in the Grenadi School of Business Policy available on my Moodle platform.
I have read and acknowledged the declaration above:

Performance objective
You must be able to demonstrate a good understanding of effective leadership and facilitation of work team’s which include an understanding of, decision-making, resolving issues and developing team cohesion.
You must provide examples of times when you have provided support to team members to achieve team goals and objectives, encourage team members to take responsibility for their own work, provide feedback to team members and ensure your own contribution to the team serves as a role model. You must also demonstrate an understanding of how to communicate

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