Corrections Accreditation this is a system of verification that correctional agencies and facilities comply with national standards promulgated by the American Association. Accreditation Correction, which developed the national stand to be used in granting organization accredited status, accreditations officially began in 1978. In essence it measures the organizations compliance with nationally accepted standard in the field, as maintained by the accreditation program. (Ch. 8 p179) I feel that corrections accreditation affect the professional development of the correction officers in a good way, this helps the officer to develop skills on a higher level, special training as well as high qualities of head and heart makes a good prison or reformatory officer. While accreditation seek comparable status for their employing organization, accreditation help set the standard for training both operational and management level positions. (Ch. 8 p178)
Privatization is a private operated prison that houses prisoners for a profit; it’s closely related to other important issues in corrections over the last past two decades, the role of the private corporation in correction or more specifically, the private operation of secure prisons and jails. In 1980, no secure privately operated jails or prisons existed in America. By 2001, about 150-100 prisons and jails were open for business hold about 120,000 prisoner, or 6 percent of the jail and prison population. (Ch8 p 192) There is not much of a different when comparing privatized prisons to state and federal prisons, a lot of the private operate the same way and sometime mimic the state and federal prisons, they appear to perform at the same