we can find several countries having corrupt regime but yielding excellent economic results and other countries with clean regime showing very poor results in terms of economic prosperity and growth.
Transparency International publishes every year lists ranking corruption in various countries. It has just come up with a list of the 10 most corrupt rulers. The list is not given . It can be viewed on the internet. It is against the policy of this site.
This list is neither complete nor exhaustive. Saddam Hussein and his cronies might have skimmed more than some of the above rulers.
Corruption in long run may destroy the whole society morally, ethically and economically. May be in the long run, a country needs clean government to reach the top of the income ladder, may be rapid income growth by itself induces better accountability and governance, may be corruption in long run degenerates the society into several misfortunes and evils. But one fact still stands out: Clean government is not a necessary condition for rapid economic growth.
Bangladesh stands at the last of list of 133, yet it has been growing at five percent annually for a decade.