Corruption is lurking around the corner, waiting for the perfect time to pounce on innocent people. Abuse of power is everywhere, like cockroaches hiding under your couch, once you see one you know they’re everywhere. Watch out, keep your wits about you and don’t trust anybody. Many superior people are taking advantage of their role and in a bad way. Do you really want people we should be able to trust being corrupt behind our backs? The book Trash by Andy Mulligan outlines the problems people face dealing with corruption and abuse of power. It includes various examples of inequality, immoral behaviour and abuse of power. Sadly this wretched behaviour is often found in many countries, and many people face it on a daily basis. Who knew somebody could learn so much from a fictional novel.
The book Trash has many examples of the police abusing their power. Shouldn’t police be people we can trust? Yes. But nope, they’re the ones breaking and disobeying the law. Proof from the novel is when police …show more content…
Gabriel explains his story to Olivia and Gardo, he says to them “We got copies of false contracts and bank transfers to invented accounts.” Gabriel wanted to fight abuse of power and had gained so much evidence for the case. Gabriel says “I was naïve. My office was raided. The same night there was a terrible fire at my house.” All his evidence went up in flames, but Gabriel had lawyers and his lawyers weren’t concerned. But they had been bought by Zapanta and all his defence was fed straight back to him. This is how Gabriel Olondriz lost the case and ended up in jail. Zapanta easily got away with what he did because he had money, connections and authority. This is how he got away with his