One reason the death penalty is wrong is because it is just too expensive. On August 3, 2006, Diane Grey Davis, an avid blogger, researched this topic and posted a blog on the Greensboropeerpressure website showing the cost of execution versus the cost of housing an inmate for life. It said that in California, the death penalty costs taxpayers $114 million per year beyond the costs of keeping convicts locked up for life. Also, in Indiana, the costs of the death penalty exceed the complete costs of life without parole sentences by 38%. In Texas, the death penalty costs on average $2.3 million, about three times the cost of imprisoning someone in a single cell at the highest security level for 40 years (Davis, 2006). Studies show that the cost of building a maximum-security prison cell is $63,000, which breaks down to about $5,000 a year in principal and interest. The annual cost to maintain an inmate in this cell is about $20,000 a year, which when combined, equal a total of $25,000 a year to hold an inmate in prison. An inmate serving a life term…