Case Background
ZUMWALD AG produced and sold a range of medical diagnostic imaging systems and biomedical test equipment and instrumentation. Below were some data about the company * Consisted of 6 operating divisions
3 of them were: * Imaging System Division (ISD) sold ultrasound and magnetic imaging system * Heidelberg Division (Heidelberg) sold high resolution monitors, graphics controllers and display subsystems 50% served ISD, 50% outside customer * Electronic Component Division (ECD) sold application specific integrated circuits and subassemblies. It was established as a captive supplier to other Zumwald divisions but now served outsider also
* Total revenue € 3 billion * Highly decentralized basis management * Division performance indicators were achievement of budgeted target Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) and sales growth * Partially vertical integrated * Each division allowed to outsource the component
Imaging System Division (ISD) is going to launch new product namely X73
The characteristic of X73 was as follow:
* It was a new ultrasound Imaging system * The product was faster, cheaper and more compact * Design was supported by Heidelberd division’s engineers at full cost of time compensation.
To get a best price for its component, ISD did a bidding which involved Heidelberg. Unfortunately Heidelberg bidding price was much higher than outsider company, therefore ISD decided to buy from Display Technology Plc
Here is the bidding:
Supplier | Cost per X73 System (€) | Heidelberg Division | 140,000 | Bogardus NV | 120,000 | Display Technologies Plc | 100,500 |
The decision triggered a dispute since Heidleberg felt that ISD did not show a team work in this case.
1. What sourcing decision for the X73 materials is in the best interest of
a. The Imaging Systems Division?
Base on the