→ increased demand for water and water treatment, trend expected to continue
→ market projections reaching $348 billion
→ demand growing for safe drinking water in developing countries
→ sustainability challenges and advancements in environmental regulation result in growth of demand for higher water treatment standards
→ 2008, 1.2 billion without drinking water, 2.4 billion not connected to wastewater systems
→ 40% projected increase in water consumption by 2025, 1/3 of world population affected by water shortage
→ in Canada, more than $2 billion in sales
→ largest consumers – municipalities, both products and services
→ significant portion of market – industrial
→ dominated by 2 large mutli-national companies ( Siemens water tech and Zenon membrane solutions)
→ competition targeted large users of filtration systems (corporation and municipalities) requiring over 1 million litres/day
→ Siemens – 2.8 million in revenue, 6000 employees (150 R&D), serve more than 90% of fortune 500 manufacturing companies, around 100,000 industrial consumers, parent company Siemens AG over 100 billion electronics and engineering company in over 190 countries with 428,000 people, leader in innovation
→ Zenon – owned by GE, provided a complete range of filtration processes, offered broadest product line in industry, over 100 years of experience, over 300,000 employees in over 100 countries, publically traded with 18 million in revenue
→ smaller competitors, specialize in niche market, offer sales and support on a specific type of filtration and treatment product
→ have to meet provincial regulations based on standards set by federal legislation
→ some