As I reflect on what I have learned over the last five weeks, I find my personal philosophy of counseling being based on one main theme that I repeatedly saw in different readings; it is our duty to do what is in the best interest of the child. When I think about my reasons for wanting to pursue this career, I naturally feel it is because of my love for children; but more than that, I want to help foster the feeling that each and every student can be anything they want to be if they put their mind to it.
B.T. Erford begins Transforming the School Counseling Profession by stating, “Professional school counseling must evolve into a model that will both fit the needs of the students in this rapidly changing society and conform to the demands of school reform and accountability mandates, while working as leaders and advocates in schools to remove barriers to student success” (2011, p.1). This is just a few words to describe the monstrosity of responsibility placed on counselors. With such a diverse population living in society today, it is imperative for the school counselor to be knowledgeable of multiculturalism so that he/she can offer assistance to all students and families. I believe diversity should be respected and appreciated as unity is encouraged among students, staff, parents, and community members. The best way to accomplish this is for the counselor to have a wealth of knowledge regarding cultural diversity, as well as educate others as much as possible. Every person in the education field is continually being forced to change in accordance with accountability mandates. This just one more aspect of the school counseling profession that continually changes as well. It is our job, along with other staff member, to ensure success for all students. According to the ASCA National Model, there four main themes that counselors should focus on: “leadership, advocacy, collaboration and teaming, and systemic change” (2011,
References: DeBlassie, Richard R. (1976) The Counselor, Privileged Communication, and the Law. Retrieved from Erford, B.T. (2011). Transforming the School Counseling Profession. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson Education, Inc.