Horizons Program Kenya Project Partners Uganda Project Partners
HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing Among Youth Ages 14 to 21 Results from an Exploratory Study in Nairobi, Kenya, and Kampala and Masaka, Uganda
Horizons Program International Center for Research on Women Population Council Kenya Project Partners Adolescent Counseling Clinic in Kenyatta National Hospital (ACC) Kenya Association of Professional Counselors (KAPC) Kibera Community Self-Help Programme (KICOSHEP) Riruta City Council Clinic St. John’s Community Center University of Nairobi Wazu Dance Troupe Uganda Project Partners AIDS Information Center (AIC) Buganda Kingdom Youth Project Center Kitovu Hospital Mobile Home Care Programme Makerere University Naguru Teenage Information and Health Center The AIDS Support Organization (TASO)
Many people and institutions have contributed their time and creativeness to this study and report. Julie Denison, Johns Hopkins University, and Sam Kalibala, Horizons Program/Population Council, guided the survey for the Horizons Project. Dr. Edward Kirumira of Makerere University, Dr. Charles Nzioka of the University of Nairobi, Jane Harriet Namwebya, Dr. Josephine Kalule, and Daniel Lukenge of the AIDS Information Center in Kampala, Edith Mukisa of the Naguru Teenage Information and Health Center in Kampala, Ann Owiti of the Kibera Community SelfHelp Program, and Dr. R. Koigi Kamau of the Adolescent Counseling Clinic in Nairobi all participated in part of the design or implementation of the survey research. Dr. Naomi Rutenberg, Horizons Program/Population Council, Dr. Ann McCauley, Horizons Program/International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), and Scott Geibel, Horizons Program/Population Council assisted with the research component. Kerry MacQuarrie, ICRW, and Ann McCauley prepared this final report. Dr.
References: Allen, S. et al. 1992. “Effect of serotesting with counselling on condom use and seroconversion among HIV discordant couples in Africa,” British Medical Journal 304: 1605–1609. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 1994. HIV Counseling, Testing, and Referral Standards and Guidelines. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Coates, T. et al. 1998. “Voluntary HIV counseling and testing (VCT) reduces risk behavior in developing countries: Results from the voluntary counseling and testing study,” Paper presented at the International Conference on AIDS, Geneva, Switzerland, 28 June -3 July. Ladner, J. et al. 1996. “A cohort study of factors associated with failure to return for HIV post-test counselling in pregnant women: Kigali, Rwanda, 1992–1993.” AIDS 10(1): 69-75. UNAIDS. 1998. “Force for change: World AIDS campaign with young people.” 1998 World AIDS Campaign Briefing Paper. http://www.unaids.org/unaids/events/wad/1998/force%2de.doc. —. 2000. “Voluntary Counseling and Testing.” May 2000 UNAIDS Technical update, WC 503.6. UNAIDS Best Practice Collection. Geneva: UNAIDS. 31 Horizons is a global operations research program designed to: Identify and test potential strategies to improve HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and support programs and service delivery. Disseminate best practices and utilize findings with a view toward scaling up successful interventions. For more information, please contact: Horizons Program, Communications Unit 4301 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 280 Washington, DC 20008 USA Tel: 202-237-9400 Fax: 202-237-8410 Email: horizons@pcdc.org www.popcouncil.org/horizons/horizons.html Horizons is implemented by the Population Council in collaboration with · International Center f r Researc on o h Women (ICR W) · International HIV/AIDS Alliance · Program f r Appropriate T hnology in o ec Health (PATH) · The University of Alabama at Birmingham · Tulane University