Title: Counselling for Toads
Author : Robert de Board – A graduate from Cambridge University, Robert is an acknowledged expert in the field of group facilitation for senior executives. In addition to his on-going work helping senior executives develop their interpersonal and leadership skills, and to understand better and use their emotional intelligence (EQ).
This book is an insight into the methods of Transactional Analysis as a form of Therapy for a depressed Toad from Wind in the Willows.
In my review I will write about what the book was about concluding with what I experienced from reading it.
Toad’s friends are worried about him as they describe him to be in a sorry state. They are friends that have shared many good times together and you can genuinely feel how worried they are.
The first 2 chapters set the scene with Mole, Rat and Badger talking amongst them about how depressed he is. “How could Toad that exciting and excitable animal get himself into such a sorry state?”
So Toad starts counselling.
This is a serious book however an easy read. Intended as a laypersons introduction to the process and practice of psychotherapy, the book follows Toad on his journey of therapy with Heron as his counsellor.
Chapters 5-15 are written as therapy sessions at different stages allowing me to get a real feel of the beginning middle and end. Heron the counsellor uses the language and ideas of transactional analysis as his counselling method. This method was very thought provoking for me now that I have an understanding of different ego states, Child, Parent and Adult I feel myself being aware at what ego sate that I and others around me are in and I can adapt if need be accordingly. Before I read this book I believe that when having conflicts with my partner it was because I was in my parent ego state whilst he being in his child ego I now try and be in my adult but find it difficult as he still continues with his child ego. As