The clients' name is Katharine Lee. She is 28 years old and single. She has completed her Diploma in Media Design at Nanyang Polytechnic, Degree in Graphics Design and is currently employed by Liquid Advertising Private Limited as the Head of Design. She enjoys long working hours and the stimulating environment her workplace provides. She has a socioeconomic status(SES) of a white collar as she is highly paid but is still considered middle class citizen. Her family is made up herself, her mother, father and her 2 sisters. Katharine's mother, Jessica Lian, is 51 years old, married to Shannon Lee, 53 years of age. Katharine's sisters, Joan and Liz, are 15 and 17 years old respectively. Joan is currently completing her Secondary education at Yuying Secondary School. Liz is currently completing her NITEC in Business Administration at Ang Mo Kio Institute for Technical Education. 1.2 Background Information of Client
Katharine, my client, has a high alcohol dependency and consumption for about 4-5 years. She has had cyclomythia for about 2-3 years in the past and has received treatment and medication. Additionally, she has been admitted to hospital twice for excessive alcoholic intoxication. Client is currently not on any form of medication or treatment dialysis currently. No record of suicidal ideation and/or tendencies. Client has history of family illness. Grandfather had heart problems.
Presenting Problems The client is an alcoholic in the sense that she needs to drink at least 5 days a week, be it at home or when out with her friends. Katharine describes her outings as just casual but upon further clarification, her outings are a result of her parents being to restrictive, from her point of view. She has explained that her nightly consumption of alcohol helps her to relax and take her mind off pressing issues, be it at home or at work. She enjoys going out with her