Alexandre Dumas’ famous novel The Count of Monte Cristo tells the story of a young sailor, Edmond Dantés. Newly engaged, recently promoted and loved by many around him, Dantés is interrupted on his wedding day, and framed for a crime he didn’t commit. He remains in jail for twenty one years, and upon escaping swears revenge on those who imprisoned him. The novel follows Dantés as he enacts revenge, at the cost of both the lives of the innocent and the guilty. Quentin Tarantino’s award winning film Kill Bill also has a theme of revenge, with the protagonist, Beatrix Kiddo, seeking vengeance on a team of assassins and her former lover for attempted murder on her life and her unborn child, and …show more content…
He originally has a passion for revenge and calls himself providence, but later learns that vengeance has more issues than forgiveness. In contrast, Beatrix remains obsessed with revenge throughout the film. Dantés initial passion for vengeance upon discovering who his enemies are, his cold attitude while enacting this revenge and his reflection upon his own goal of revenge show his development throughout the novel. Meanwhile, Beatrix’s passion for revenge, the detached way she has her revenge and her lack of regret for her actions shows she never changes her perspective on revenge.
In The Count of Monte Cristo, Dantés begins as an honest, kind and happy man. However, he falls into depression after being wrongfully imprisoned and spending 7 years in jail. Delirious and starved, he contemplates suicide. However, Abbé Faria, another prisoner, saves him. Faria digs a tunnel between his cell and Dantés’, then educates Dantés in many subjects, and reveals the location of a secret treasure to him. Along with this information, Faria deduces Dantés has been wrongfully imprisoned because of the efforts of Danglars, who sought Dantés’ position, Fernand