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Yoga Therapy and Addiction Recovery
Yoga perceives addition as a symptom of a reflection of the imbalance that is within the individual. Yoga has been proved to be a very effective treatment for addiction since it integrates the treatment of the spirit, body, and mind to restore the individual to a wholesome balance. It requires that those who practice it to stay still, breath and open up their senses to the environment Feuerstein, (2012). Such may include listening keenly to the surrounding, feeling the wind on ones skin and so forth. These activities induce a state of calm arousal, which allows the recovering addicts to clear their mind and to be able to respond from a clear perspective, instead of reacting to impulses and reflexes without thinking clearly. This enable the candidate to have a continued awareness that will enable the person to let loose of all negative energy, reduce the cravings and sever bad habitual patterns. The peaceful element of yoga is what makes it different from other kinds of therapy, since its poses are key in resting the mind and body. It is from the peace that the energy required by the client is harnessed.
One thing that we must all come to accept is that we all have addiction to either a great or lesser extent. Some may be too insignificant to impact our lives while other will control the victims every move. Some additions may be accommodated by the society and considered part of normal daily activities like coffee addition, while others are shunned. When the addition is a threat to the victims positive future then it is his responsibility to make effort to change (Eliade, 2009). Addiction is a symptom of turmoil within the system and treatment is often more effective by use of introspective means, before it turns to medication.
The discipline yielded from the practicing of yoga has the
References: Eliade, Mircea (2009). Yoga: Immortality and Freedom. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Feuerstein, Georg (2012) Fowler, Jeaneane D. (2012). The Bhagavad Gita: A Text and Commentary for Students. Sussex Academic Press.. Goldberg, Philip(2010) Flood, Gavin (2009). An Introduction to Hinduism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gambhirananda, Swami (2008) Jacobsen, Knut A.; Larson, Gerald James (2010). Theory And Practice of Yoga: Essays in Honour of Gerald James Larson.. Larson, Gerald James (2008) McEvilley, Thomas (2011). The shape of ancient thought. Allworth Communications. Müller, Max (2012) Possehl, Gregory (2009). The Indus Civilization: A Contemporary Perspective. AltaMira Press Radhakrishnan, S.; Moore, CA (2008)