While intertwining the three main paths of work, knowledge, and devotion, Krishna influences Arjuna through a series of persuasive points that allows readers of the Bhagavad Gita to reflect on in their own lives (Voorst 50). Krishna reasons to Arjuna by stating that atman are eternal. Therefore, Arjuna is not really killing a man; he is merely sending a person to the subsequent stage of reincarnation. This is in conjunction with Karma Yoga because Arjuna realizes that it’s not his actions, but his …show more content…
Often times, the concepts and ideas of the Bhagavad Gita can also be seen in other “myths” such as the stories of the Three Da’s and the Rig-Veda. The creation of the Three Da’s is told through a tale, in which Prajapati describes “damyata, restraint, and self-control; data, generosity; and dayadhvam, compassion” to his offspring” (Voorst 34-35). The Three Da’s and the Bahgavad Gita both contain similar concepts as one must have self-control, devote one’s life to God, and be kind. The Rig-Veda is a “poem presents the cosmic Man as the one through whose sacrifice the gods fashioned the universe” (Voorst 40). In relation to the Bhagavad Gita, the idea of Bhakti Yoga is present as the Man devotes his life to God. Overall, the Bhagavad Gita almost acts as an ultimate source, where the tales of the Three Da’s and the Rig-Veda are drawn