Cited: Dennis-Parks, Reda M. "Instructing the EPA How to Regulate Vehicle Emmissions." Ecology LQ, 30. (2003): 799. Print. Fullerton, Don and Li Gan. "Cost-effective policies to reduce vehicle emissions." American Economic Review, 95. 2 (2005): 300--304. Print. Hirose, Katsuhiko. "Materials towards carbon-free, emission-free and oil-free mobility: hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles—now and in the future." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 368. 1923 (2010): 3365--3377. Print. Lave, Lester B, Chris T Hendrickson and Francis Clay Mcmichael. "Environmental implications of electric cars."Science(Washington), 268. 5213 (1995): 993--995. Print. Potera, Carol. "Beyond batteries: portable hydrogen fuel cells." Environmental Health Perspectives, 115. 1 (2007): 38. Print. United States Census Bureau. "Megacommuters: 600,000 in U.S. Travel 90 Minutes and 50 Miles to Work, and 10.8 Million Travel an Hour Each Way, Census Bureau Reports - American Community Survey (ACS) - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau.", 2013. Web. 2 Dec 2013. . Yirka, Bob. "Researchers find treating pavement with titanium oxide reduces air pollution.", 2013. Web. 2 Dec 2013. .
Cited: Dennis-Parks, Reda M. "Instructing the EPA How to Regulate Vehicle Emmissions." Ecology LQ, 30. (2003): 799. Print. Fullerton, Don and Li Gan. "Cost-effective policies to reduce vehicle emissions." American Economic Review, 95. 2 (2005): 300--304. Print. Hirose, Katsuhiko. "Materials towards carbon-free, emission-free and oil-free mobility: hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles—now and in the future." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 368. 1923 (2010): 3365--3377. Print. Lave, Lester B, Chris T Hendrickson and Francis Clay Mcmichael. "Environmental implications of electric cars."Science(Washington), 268. 5213 (1995): 993--995. Print. Potera, Carol. "Beyond batteries: portable hydrogen fuel cells." Environmental Health Perspectives, 115. 1 (2007): 38. Print. United States Census Bureau. "Megacommuters: 600,000 in U.S. Travel 90 Minutes and 50 Miles to Work, and 10.8 Million Travel an Hour Each Way, Census Bureau Reports - American Community Survey (ACS) - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau.", 2013. Web. 2 Dec 2013. . Yirka, Bob. "Researchers find treating pavement with titanium oxide reduces air pollution.", 2013. Web. 2 Dec 2013. .