In society, sight is generally taken for granted and is not seen as being a gift from God. Majority of humans can live a civilized, beneficial life because of their vision but in the case of blindness, you have to adjust your life to live with your limitations. A mountaineer by the name of Nunez is overcome with an intense ego that causes the country of the blind to loathe him. The village additionally despises him because he is utterly selfish and thinks the world only revolves around himself. Nunez’s attitude towards the villagers effectively leads to his own suffering. Therefore, Nunez becomes entirely selfish which destroys any possible chance of him becoming King. In H. G. Wells’ “The Country of the Blind” Nunez portrays himself as being egotistical and selfish while in the country of the blind, for he feels superior as he is the only person with sight, and his goal is to take advantage of the blind and live the best life possible for himself.
The protagonist Nunez has an attitude that leads the villagers to believe he is ridiculously egotistical and obnoxious by only speaking and referring to himself, and constantly mocking others. This makes a dreadful first impression. Nunez first encounters three blind villagers walking single file to their home down the path. He yelps in attempt of getting their attention but the blind men looked in every direction but his. Nunez thinks this is suspicious and screams just for the joy of it. “Nunez gave vent to a mighty shout that echoed the valley. The three men stopped, moving their heads in every direction apart from his and Nunez felt filled with freedom. Nunez bawled again” (Wells 5). At first, Nunez merely tries to get their attention but as soon as he realizes they are blind, he feels a sense of freedom and power. To make the villagers believe Nunez is above others, he desperately tries to convince the villagers there is a world outside theirs where sight is relied on and tries explaining the