This course is delivered online May 11 through June 18, 2015. Before the start date, using your CWL ID and password login to the new online learning environment "Connect": <>
Become familiar with the new Blackboard course tools by reviewing the orientation and how to videos:
* Self-paced Student Orientation to the new online learning environment "Connect"
* How-to Videos and Print Materials
On May 11th login to "Connect" to view your course <>
You will find a welcoming message and more information from the instructor on instructor hours, assignment postings etc. on the course web site.
Course Outline: <>
Required Course Material
Call the UBC Bookstore to order: (604) 604-822-2665 Toll free: 1 800-661-3889 or
Order online <>
*Caffarella, Rosemary (Current edition). Planning Programs for Adult learners: A Practical Guide for Educators, Trainers, and Staff Developers. The Jossey-Bass higher and adult education series. The University of Michigan.*
1) Check that UBC is on your email safe-list
We use email to communicate with you so ensure that important UBC addresses are on your email safe-list. More details on how to do this can be found at<>
We are not responsible for resending returned messages or for the consequences of messages not received due to full mailboxes, spam blockers, inactive addresses, etc. All use of email is governed by UBC's Policy #104, Responsible Use of Information Technology Facilities and Services <>
2) Get your library card and learn about Library services for distance students at
More Information and help with library and