Supplier Us Customer
Raw materials Transforming Work in progress inventory Transformation Finished goods inventory Customer
Codex 25000D1, 18 dollars (Notes and Problems).
Assignment 1, 2 make for 15%. Midterm make for 35% and the Assignment 3 for 10%. Finals make up for 40%.
Assignments handed in at the beginning of sessions 5, 7 and 12.
Value added: Inputs Transformation process Outputs. How do we increase value to the product. A lot of things we do, activities such as analyzing, does not add value. Inventory is a big non-value added activity, if you have two items (toasters) where one has been there for long and the other is fairly new. As a customer you want the new one. As a manager for the store, the old one costs more because you have to store it.
Exercise: What is the input, what is the transformation and finally the output?
Accountants: the transformation is they are doing audits, financial statements etc. The input is raw data and the output is audited financial statements.
Telecommunication companies: the transformation is transmission of data, the input is data and the output is data as well.
System example: Restaurant
Objectives: make money essentially, fast food or exclusive?
Elements: tables, servers, waiters, wine experts, chefs etc.
Input: customers
Transformation: you feed the customers in an environment they find agreeable.
Output: satisfied customers
Feedback: Are we making money? They also use Customer satisfaction services.
Political, Legal: permits, alcohol permits, hourly wages, is tips included?
Economical: Price of food, price of dollar.
Social: what type of food people eat.
Technological: systems to communicate with the kitchen, ordering or reservations through internet.
Ecological: recycling.
Example: Strategic, tactical and operational decisions.
Strategic: what type of cuisine? The limit, how many tables for which demand?