Lau vs. Nicols 1974 decided that non-English speaking children thrown into English classes and told to “sink or swim” violated their civil rights. Under the Supreme Court decision, schools were required to provide material and teaching necessary to help ELL students with the language. No more language based discrimination.
Flores vs. Arizona 1992 argued that Arizona was not paying enough funds and adequate programs to ELL students. Said ADE was not following 1974 decision.
Proposition 203 of 2000 deterred bilingual education, and demanded ELL students have decent English proficiency after a year of SEI instruction. This blocked students from learning in two languages and forces them to learn English at a set rate. 2. Identify historical developments that affected bilingual education, English as a Second Language, and Structured English Immersion.
3. Evaluate the Lau v. Nichols decision and determine how it affects Arizona's teachers.
Arizona was required to fund and supply ELL programs. However, Flores vs. Arizona proved that Arizona was not meeting that standard.
Assignment 2 1. 1. Briefly describe several models of ELL instruction.
Sink or Swim – students are placed in all-English environment with no help in native language. They either succeed or fail, according to their own abilities.
Bilingual Transitional Ed – students work in both languages while building up English skills for 2 or 3 years. Early exit, less effective
Bilingual Developmental Ed – ELL and native students study in both languages. They
ESL pullout – takes ELL students out of class for periods of time to work on English
SEI – with native speakers, teachers provide structure while teaching academics and English. Sheltered is just ELL students. 2. What are the philosophical viewpoints of ESL vs. BLE vs. SEI programming?
ESL – secure environment to practice. Stress