Court Report
Structure of my court report is as follows: 1. Cover Sheet 2. Index 3. Introduction 4. Sources of Law 5. Court System in Ireland 6. Legal Personnel 7. Restrictions on Journalists 8. Background to case 9. Charge 10. Facts of the case 11. Outcome 12. Critical evaluation of the case 13. Conclusion
For my court report I decided to visit Cloverhill District Court in Clondalkin, Dublin 22.
The court case I am reporting is a case about an assault on two men with a baseball bat.
Christopher Whelan was the man who was convicted of assaulting the two men with the baseball bat; he was appealing for bail in front of the high court.
Sources of Law
Constitution of Ireland, 1937: Following the 1937 constitution of Ireland under section 34.1 it states that justice shall be administered in courts established by law by Judges appointed in the manner provided by this Constitution, and, save in such special and limited cases as may be prescribed by law, shall be administered in public. This means that members of the public are allowed to sit in through any court case they wish. * Section 34.2 states that the Courts shall comprise Courts of First Instance and a Court of Final Appeal. A very relevant section in the constitution on Ireland in relation to the courts is section 38 which is as follows: 1. No person shall be tried on any criminal charge save in due course of law. 2. Minor offences may be tried by courts of summary jurisdiction. 3. 1° Special courts may be established by law for the trial of offences in cases where it may be determined in accordance with such law that the ordinary courts are inadequate to secure the effective administration of justice, and the preservation of public peace and order. 2° The constitution, powers, jurisdiction and procedure of such special courts shall be prescribed by law. 4. 1° Military