Name: Umar Farooq Faisal
ID : 0916922
Table of Contents Serial no: | Topic | Page no: | | Executive Summary | 3 | | Aims & objectives | 4 | 1 | Advertising | 5 | 2 | FMCG Introduction | 6 | 3 | Advertising of FMCG | 7 | 4 | Conventional Advertising of FMCG | 7 | | Radio Based Advertising | 8 | | Television Based Advertising | 9 | | Press Based FMCG Advertising | 11 | | Outdoor FMCG Advertising | 11 | | Cinema Based FMCG Advertising | 12 | 5 | Literature Review | 12 | 6 | Modern Advertising of FMCG | 14 | | Internet for FMCG Advertising | 16 | | | Web Based Advertising | 20 | | | Social Networks Based Advertising | 23 | | | a.b.c.d. | Twitter | 25 | | | | FaceBook | 26 | | | | MySpace | 27 | | | | YouTube | 28 | | | Banner Ads & Rich Media | 30 | | | Search Engines Based Advertising | 34 | | | E mail Based Advertising | 37 | | | Online Sponsorship Based Advertising | 39 | | | Interstitial Based Advertising | 41 | | | 3-D Visualization | 43 | | | AdverGames Based Advertisement | 44 | | | Blogs based Advertising | 47 | | Mobile Advertising | 49 | 7 | Discussing & Concluding | 53 | 8 | Recommendations | 56 | 9 | References | |
Development of New technology has changed the communication tools for the advertising industry. Previously companies mostly rely upon the print ads, radio and TV. About two decades back these were regarded as most efficient mediums for FMCG advertisement. Introduction of new technology provided audience with more strength to dictate what they want to watch.
Website is the first step from a company to show its presence on the internet.
References: 1. Marla R. Stafford and Ronald J. Faber, 2005, “Advertising, Promotion, and New Media”, (pg: 68- 78). 2. Frank Jefkins, 2000, “Advertising”, 4th edition, Pearson education limited. 3. Flemming Hansen, Lars Bech Christensen, 2003, “Branding and Advertising”, Business School Press. 4. Publicis’ ZenithOptimedia, Group: 2009, available at http://www.usonetworks.com/articles/online-advertising-spending-outrings-traditional-advertising/, (Accessed:12th july,2010). 6. RadMark ,the bench mark in radio,2007, “Using radio advertising for FMCG brands”,available at http://www.fmcg.co.za/Portals/0/RadMark_Radio_guide2.pdf, (Accessed:14th july,2010). 7. Bhatia, 2008, “RETAIL MANAGEMENT”, Atlantic Publisher and Distributers. 9. Screen Digest, 2008, available at http://www.marketingcharts.com/television/tv-advertising-to-confront-hard-times-in-08-and-09-3679/screen-digest-tv-advertising-growth-us-europe-2007-2009jpg/ , (Accessed: 18th July, 2010). 12. Forrester Researchers, 2001, “European Online Advertising Will Growth”, Available At http://www.forrester.com/ER/Press/Release/0,1769,721,00.html, (Accessed: 25th July, 2010). 13. Gallagher, Katherine, K, Dale foster(2001), “The Medium Is Not The Message; Advertising Effectiveness And Content Evaluation In Print And On The Web”, journal of advertising research, volume 41, issue 4, (pg: 57-70) 14 17. Tsang (1999), “Law society Gazette-Focus ' '. Available at www.lawgazette.co.uk/archives/1999-10-08/00000012.html, (Accessed: 27th July, 2010) 18 20. Edd Apple Gate, 2005, “strategic copy writing: how to create effective advertising”, Rowman and Little Field Publishers. 23. Andy MacLellan, Ed Dorey & Susan Sweeney, 2006, “3G- Marketing On The Internet”, Jim Hoskins. 25. Ad Click Rate through Search Engines, Chitika Network: June, 2009, available at http://techmarketers.wordpress.com/category/marketing/pay-per-click/ , (Accessed: 10th august, 2010. 26. Briggs, Rex, and Nigel Hollis, (1997), “Advertising on the Web: Is there response before click through?” Journal of Advertising Research, Vol.37, Issue. 2, (pg: 33-45). 27. Gary Schnider, 2008, “Electronic Commerce”, 8th edition, Cengage Learning. 28. R. Stafford and Ronald J. 2008, Advertising, Promotion & New Media, American Academy of Advertising, (pg: 259-278). 29. Daugherty. T, Biocca. F, Li and Hairong (2001), “Characteristics of Virtual Experience in Electronic Commerce: A Protocol Analysis,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 15, Issue 3, pp 13-30. 31. David Edery, Ethan Mollick, 2009,Changing the game: How Video Games Are Transforming The Future Of Business, Pearson Education Inc.(pg:40-60) 32