Courtroom Participant Chart
Complete the following chart.
| |What are the individual’s responsibilities in the |Why is it important for these responsibilities to be |
| |courtroom process? |fulfilled adequately? (Consider the effect of over |
| | |zealousness as compared with the effect of under |
| | |performance.) |
| |Prosecutors, also known as district attorneys, |The prosecuting plays a very important role in the |
|Prosecutor |represent the government's interest in criminal |criminal justice system. Unlike most other lawyers, |
| |trials. A prosecutor's job is limited to criminal |however, a prosecutor's client is the state and its |
| |matters; they don't work with civil cases such as |citizens. This makes the prosecutor's duties somewhat |
| |lawsuits or in family court. In those instances |different from other lawyers. Since it is in the interest|
| |private attorneys represent both parties while |of the people to see that justice is done, a prosecutor's|
| |advocating on behalf of either position. Whether |job is not always to seek convictions (although it often |
| |local or federal, the prosecutor's job is to |is). A prosecutor's job is to seek justice, which may not|
| |convince a judge and a jury that law enforcement has|always be a conviction. Sometimes justice is a dismissal |
| |brought the right person to trial for judgment and |or a reduction in charge |