Assessment Criteria 1.2.1 - EXPLAIN ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment.
EXPLAIN how Maslow’s theory can be used to assist the learner to feel safe and supported.
It is utmost importance for learners to feel physically and emotionally safe in order for learning to take place. Safe in terms of physical safety but emotional safety too in order for them to feel emotionally safe enough to engage in the classroom.
It is important to understand that the learning establishing a safe learning environment provides the key to the success of the teaching/training process. This environment should be a place that puts learners at ease from anxiety, prejudice, and fear of criticism. The role of the teacher is to create an environment where everyone is accepted and learning can take place freely with mistakes happening as well. Although the trainer/teacher has the lead role it is accepted that there are no experts and good valid contributions can be made by participants. This creates a good learning environment where learning can take place.
Laying down ground rules at the start of each session helps to establish expected behaviour from the participants and helps the m feel safe. Any adverse behaviour/ disruptive behaviour should be dealt with swiftly in a way that makes everyone feel safe and respected.
The learning environment should be physically safe and health and safety procedures need to be adhered to. Trailing wires should be clipped appropriately and trailed appropriately avoiding trip hazards. If physical active exercise consists of the course then appropriate mats /flooring should be made available
Assessment Criteria 1.2.2 - EXPLAIN why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others.
EXPLAIN 3 types of learner behaviour that may hinder learning and suggest ways of overcoming these.
Learner Behaviour