UD Marketing Video for Prospective Business Students
Prepared by:
Claire Holman, Josephine McGrath, Megan O’Brien, and Candice Vermeulen
Background/ Overview:
The Business School of the University of Dallas is a Catholic institution, which provides a well-rounded education in humanities and business, with the goal of developing the student’s intellectual and moral virtues, as well as their skills both in the classroom and business world. Known mostly for our liberal arts education, this video is seeking to bring awareness to the College of Business program offered at the University of Dallas by promoting it to juniors and seniors in high school.
Immediate goals include giving a fair representation of the College of Business that highlights the key features that differentiate us from other business programs. In addition we would like to reach our target audience through this video and to inform them about our strong liberal arts and ethic-based business education.
A significant goal is to redefine the online presence and the identity of the business program—to promote the University of Dallas’ unique Business School approach and vision to a global audience and also to increase the percentage of women in the business program in order to balance the ratio of men to women to 50/50 percent
Target Audience:
The target market for UD’s College of Business is a soon-to-graduate high school student looking for a University that is small, challenging, and ethical. Though the University of Dallas is a liberal arts school, the university’s core and the College of Business prepares business students for the real world. They are challenged to get to know themselves better and get the “know how” and the “know why” – in order to be prepared to do good and ethical business. College is a rare buy and, therefore, prospective students do a lot of research before they make a decision. The target audience for the College