Amy yelled Nick watch out for the lawn mower,
then i said ok Amy as the lawn mower was lucid.
We all screamed as it went by as loud as a announcer at a football game when there team makes a touchdown. It was like maze we could not see how to get out of the piercing sound of a lawnmower came. Then the lawnmower started to suck me up in the air like a fiecas tornado. We all found a inch worm hole but it was like a cave to us Ron and Russ were freaked out a bit because it was covered in ooze like stuff that smelt crummy. Then dad freaked once he saw guy cutting the grass to stop and turn the lawnmower off, when he stopped i almost got sucked in again by that darn lawnmower.
Ron started
to cry and wonder why he came to our house I told him to hush it up you're old enough to not cry about this.
Then we all asked why are you crying it's going to be ok Ron.
Then Ron started to act his age and spoke we could not hear him talk.