The nature of today’s business is highly competitive. So the success of every organization highly depends on the novel creative and innovative ideas. Creativity simply means thinking up new things. Innovation means applying those thoughts in to work. It is the conversion of new ideas into products and services. In a rapidly changing global world, managers must use all their abilities to forecast the future opportunities and threats. All these are for achieving and maintaining strategic advantage over the competitor.
2. a Produce an appropriate rationale to persuade stakeholders of Aravind eye clinic of the benefits of creative and innovative management idea
No business can win without make the stakeholders participating in their business. Stakeholders can motivate a business at a higher level by giving their support to the business. But the business men should take that advantage in a productive and efficient manner. Thereby their creative and innovative ideas can be converted into reality and thus the business can also be developed to a great extent.
When we consider the case study, we can see that Dr. V, as the founder of Aravind eye clinic hospital struggled a lot to get his vision and mission fruitful. After analysing all risks associated with the vision and the future consequences they conducted a risks-benefit analysis and came up with new ventures that minimize all the risks and which provides more benefits to their future. Because of their creativity and innovations they have become the only hospital which provides Catarat surgery in India.
For getting this kind of achievement stakeholders like owners,employees,customers,Government,communities,suppliers,investors...etc, played an eminent role.
Most of the people may resist changing. The success of a business man is lying in convincing these people about what will be the future benefits of changes that the company is going to test. The stakeholders are the key participants of