SUBMITTED BY: - Ritu Rajput
DATE OF BIRTH:-28-09-1991
TELEPHONE NO.:-07376756042
EMAIL: - riturajput.amity@gmail.com
BA.LLB (2010-2015)
3rd YEAR, Semester VI
Crimes against women and challenges in abolishing the crimes
Ritu Rajput
Swami Vivekananda said, “That country and that nation which did not respect women have never become great nor will ever in future”. Study of the history of human society reveals that in no society of the world have women enjoyed absolute equality on par with men. Everywhere they were subjected to inequality, discrimination and exploitation. The Constitution of India provides equal rights and opportunities to women. It does not make any discrimination on the ground of sex. This does not mean that our women are completely free from problems. On contrary, the changing situation is causing them problems. They are now beset with new stress and strains. Violence against women is not a new phenomenon in India. “Women in Indian society have been victims of abduction, rape, murder and torture of women.” But, female victims of violence have not been given much attention in the literature on social; problems or in the literature on criminal violence. Crime against women is ever increasing problem and has been growing more acute in India during the recent years. Crime against women rape, molestation, dowry harassment, eve teasing, wife-battering, is kidnapping female children to be sold into brothel homes, cheating young women, various types of sexual harassments”. Women empowerment is process to overcome this problem. Women are empowered through- women emancipation